Monday, October 20, 2008


Hi all........ ,

Boy........they say everything in Texas is's so true. The entire state is huge. We're going to take 3-4 days to travel thru here. It's just enormous. Since we're in no hurry to get to Florida, we're only traveling 4-5 hours a day. Just enough to make some progress, yet take our time to see the sights.

Texas started out, from west to east, much like New Mexico. Lots of sagebrush, sand, and rocks. Now, it's changing.......the mountains are flattening out, the sagebrush has turned to cactus, and it's much more grassy. We're in Abilene now, and are starting to see plowed fields, cattle in huge numbers, wind farms, and oil wells everywhere. Oil must be big business here, as we see new wells going in, and oil storage tanks in multiple places.

We took a picture of this bug here.........even IT was huge. It was black, with red horizontal stripes. Luckily, they stayed outdoors........ if I saw this in our fifth wheel, you'd hear me scream from here to the East coast. I don't have the faintest idea of what it is or what it's called........ neither did the neighbor here. All I know is ........... I didn't like it!

While the landscaping seems quite barren right now, we did see these plants a few places now. It had a palm tree type of trunk, with a yucca type of top. Kind of interesting I thought and quite appropriate for the area. It seems very dry here .......lots of blue skies and sunshine prevails here, I would guess.

Today, we travel past Dallas and most likely will spend one more night in this state. On to Louisiana after this. We'll see you down the road.


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