Monday, July 14, 2008

Custer State Park

Hi all.......

Whew.......what a day. We went on a 6 mile hike today. It was just beautiful. We went into a walk in fishing area........they call it a walk in area, due to the fact that it's the only way to get into these small pools and eddys from the creeks. They have trout in them....we talked with one angler there who had one in the bag. It was a nice rainbow....he caught it 5 min after he got there. The woods were beautiful as we walked ...... we had to cross the same creek at least 1o times....sometimes on rocks, others on tree brances laid across the creek. Very fun. We were so glad we had our walking sticks with us.

This afternoon, we panned for gold on one of the creeks here. While we had no nuggets at all, it was sure fun to imagine......and try. We had bought a couple of pans to use......and watched a demonstration at the ranger station on how to do it. luck! Another day.

Tony took a picture of a tree growing out of the rocks. How the heck can they do that, you have to wonder. Some places there is no soil at all.......just rock and yet you see bushes and trees, stunted but growing. Unreal.

We are in awe of this area. The ruggedness of it.....the immense lands full of wildlife, all in a beautiful park. It is a joy to drive around and see it all. We were up on an overlook today, and could see for 100 miles......even to the Badlands. We had a God's eye view of the land.......and it is good.

We have two more days in this park....we hope to ride some horses and go on more hikes. Maybe take in a boat ride or do some fishing. It really doesn't matter much what you do, only that you do!
See you on the road.

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