Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Badlands pictures!

What a beautiful day today. Hot and sunny......traffic is down, we're told....most likely due to high gas prices. Good for us! The traffic I mean!!!!!!!!

The scenery has been fabulous. Every turn in the road produces more beautiful rock formations. We took a 3 mile hike today.......up a canyon to an overlook. Fantastic. But hot.......I sure used our camelback backpacks today. These pictures don't do this area's just so beautiful to try and capture on a photo.

We saw buffalo out on the plains here........acres of land to graze on......these wonderful animals can come and go at will. The way God intended. And the praire dogs......aren't they just the cutest little creatures? There are tons of them everywhere.

Tomorrow, we head out to the Black Hills. We'll be staying in Hermosa, SD. I'll be back then.....see you on the road.

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