Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hansberger wedding

Wow...........what a fun wedding so far! So many of our family, gathered from near and far. Siblings, spouses, children, friends......lots of love to go around! The wedding went perfect. From the cute little Hansberger ring bearer, to the stunning bride, all was fun. The wedding party was in a missing man formation.......five bridesmaids, and four groomsmen.......with a missing spot to honor the much loved Jason......who is in the Air Force, protecting our country while we could gather. We saw and heard him on a video presentation at the reception......much appreciated by all. Especially his family.
Lots of goings on yet to do. Today is a pontoon boat ride down the Mississippi. We'll gather sandwiches & pop, sunscreen and hats, and have a blast. Tonight is a cook-out at Rowie's. They've gone to a lot of trouble so we all could hang out together. Bruce and Rowie are the perfect hosts! That's it for now..........I'll get more pictures going here soon.

Love to all...........Kathie

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