Friday, June 27, 2008

St. Croix boat ride

Hi all........

It seems like it's been a while. The blog site was down and I wasn't able to get on. In any event, we sure had a great time out on the St. Croix river.....Bruce was a terrific captain, and Rowie the most bestest hostess you ever saw......right down to the M & M's! The day started out cool and cloudy, progressed to rain and big waves, and then..........brilliant sunshine and blue skies. Absolutely gorgeous. We had such fun tooling down the river.

Betty loved her 50th presents. I think she'll always know our birthstones now. It was such fun surprising her.

It was hard to say goodbye this time. I know I won't be seeing most of you for quite some time, so that saddens me. I'll just have to concentrate on the good stuff. Tom did tell me that on his flight home, he had lots of time to contemplate what a big, wonderful family we have. It's so nice to enjoy each other as family, as well as friends.

Hope you enjoy these pics. See you on the road.


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